Getting Google Ads Certified


This week we will go over a few arguments as to the importance of getting certified by Google Ads. As explained by Neil Patel in his blog, there are 4 main reasons why digital marketers should be thinking about getting a Google Ads certification:

1. Credibility and professionalism

It is important to show future employees that you are capable and experienced in creating digital ads.

2. Creating a value proposition

Google Ads makes it easy for digital marketers to drive a strong value proposition. It is up to the marketer to determine the goal(s) of the ads and sell the customer on the product/service value.

3. Resume booster

Certifications are always a good way to spruce up your resume and set you apart from the competition. A certification would add validity to your skills and show tangible proof that you are capable of handling your future employer's digital advertising needs.

4. Free promotion

Google is everywhere. Being Google Ads certified will allow you to create meaningful connections with the multitude of Google's already standing partners.

To start working towards your Google Ads certification, visit


4 Reasons Why You Should Get AdWords Certified


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